Colorado Pond Hockey Tournament - rules & regulations
To the right you will find the rules for all teams playing in the Colorado Pond Hockey Tournament. Please read through these and share them with the rest of your team before you arrive at the tournament.
Ok, we want to be straight with you... These rules are not meant to put a damper on anyone's day on the ice. We want the tournament to be fun and safe.
With the exception of Major infractions, 'penalties' should be called by you, the players, just like when you were a kid on the pond with your buddies. Since we are all hockey players, we understand what it means to be honest, show respect to the game and hold yourself and your own teammates accountable.
If for any reason you don't think you can obey these rules, don't come to the tournament. We'd hate to hang you upside down by your skates from the nearest Colorado Blue Spruce for the weekend.
Please be courteous to the surrounding neighborhoods. No littering. No trespassing. DO NOT BRING ALCOHOL or DRUGS into parking lot areas!
You must be at least 21 yrs old to drink alcohol at the tournament. NO outside alcohol allowed.
Lost and Found is located in the registration warming hut.
EMTs will be on hand during tournament play. A
CPHT official will assist in contacting Emergency
personnel if the situation warrants. The local EMTs
have been notified that the tournament is taking place. -
Dress appropriately for mountain weather and altitude. Weather can range from below zero to mid 50s.
Drink plenty of water and be sure to stay hydrated. The altitude makes a big difference to while undergoing physical effort, such as hockey. If at anytime you or anybody on your team feels sick, please notify CPHT staff.​
A team whose opponent does not show up will receive a win. They will also receive the average winning team goal differential from last year: (5 GF). The opponent has until half time to show, after the first half is over, the team will be awarded a forfeit win. The foreiting team will be assessed a 10 GA to their record. The rink will be cleared and used for maintenance opportunities.
Seed placements per division are determined by:
1. Record (W-L)
2. Least goals against
3. If still tied, 3 VS 3 shootout

Please review all rules with each player on your team
There will be one off-ice volunteer scorekeeper to monitor play. They are NOT a referee, they are a volunteer scorekeeper who does the best they can to monitor game play. So give'em a break eh! (They monitor scoring and they'll keep an eye on major infractions and report them to tourney management)
Any Major infraction, which includes any action that could possibly injure a player, will result in the player being ejected from the tournament. The team that received the ejection will play the remainder of the game short-handed (2 v 3) and the ejected player will not be allowed back into the tournament. All remaining games may be played (3 v 3). Off-ice scorekeeper will act and be trusted as official testimonial to tourney mgmt.
Abuse of scorekeepers will be considered a major infraction. This includes yelling, arguing or swearing about calls and/or at scorekeepers.
1. All games are self-started at center ice. Teams will switch goals after the first half.3. All players must wear helmets and hockey skates. Protective gear is optional but strongly recommended.
2. No checking is allowed. Such action will result in a major penalty and ejection of player.
3. No slap shots allowed.
4. Players can not fall or lay down on the ice in effort to protect the goal area.
5. No goalie equipment or goalie sticks permitted. Goaltending is not allowed. A player may not patrol, camp out or remain stationary in the crease area and act as a goaltender. A defender may deflect the puck in the crease area, but the defender must do so while continuing to move through the crease area. The crease area is defined as an imaginary box extending about four feet from the outside corners of the goal. Extensive goaltending will be reported to tourney mgmt and addressed with the team/player.
6. Contacting the puck with a stick above the waist should result in a loss of possession.
7. Raising the puck intentionally should result in a loss of possession. Saucer passes below the waist are accepted.
8. If a puck goes out of bounds, the last team to touch it loses possession. During a reset, the defending team must retreat to their defensive zone.
9. There is no off-sides or icing calls.
10. Goals can be scored from anywhere inside the rink.
11. Scorekeepers will call out the score after each goal.
12. Teams must give opponents 1/2 ice after a goal is scored. Once attacking team begins forward motion, defending team may once again advance.
13. Games are composed of two 15 minute halves and a 2 minute half time.
14. In the event of a tie during both round robin and championship play the game will move to sudden death format. The game will start with a face-off.
15. Must be 21 years of age to drink alcoholic beverages.
16. Players can only play on one team per division.
17. Both teams must shovel the rink together after each game in preparation for the following teams.
18. Team captains are the only players to discuss disputes with tourney mgmt.
19. Team captain from each team must sign score card after each game.
20. Teams are limited to 6 dressed players maximum per game. In the case of an injury or illness, you may have a reserve player to fill-in or rotate during round robin play ONLY. You may NOT add or change players at anytime during play-offs.
​(estimated pools & teams advancing, #'s will be
finalized after schedule is made Sunday prior to
Women’s Division:
1-2 Pools - All teams advance to playoffs
Open Division:
1-2 Pools - All teams advance to playoffs
Pabst League:
8-10 Pools - Top 32 teams advance to playoffs
Brown Bottle League:
8-10 Pools - Top 32 teams advance to playoffs
40+ Competitive League:
1 Pool - All teams advance to playoffs.
50+ STEEL Can League:
1 Pool - All teams advance to playoffs.